Tuesday, August 31, 2010


My summer internship at WaggEd officially ends today. My mentor, Grace, took our team of 5 people out for my goodbye lunch. 时间说快也不快说短也不短。吃午饭的我们有说有笑的 it was quite enjoyable. I don't know where I'll end up after I graduate, but I know PR is the career field I belong to and hopefully one day I'll get to see the members of Grace team again :) Thank you for all for being so kind to me during my stay. It was such a pleasure working in this team!

Nowwwww... my official summer 2010 long awaits mee. BB arrives on Thursday and then our backpacking China trip will embark shortly. I'm going to be the ultimate tourist...This means no blogging/facebooking till I return to Seattle! be ready for a gigantic update after I get back :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

what the humph

what i wanted reaaaaaally bad

what dad said he would buy and I came to compromise

what i got...

guess I'll just have to live with what I got. humph.
plus, i still got

what i love ;)

Monday, August 9, 2010

lost and found

why can't anything be simple?

when people's facebook relationship status turns into "its complicated" im always puzzled at the what could be so 'complicated' factor. you either love him or you dont.
but i suppose that would make things a lot less interesting and adventurous.

so far I would say my life has been rather smooth along the 21 years that has passed. from birth to school to college, up until now, my parents have been proud of me in how they have shaped me into an individual. but recently I felt I might have disappointed my mother in the relationship department. I hate to be stereotypical, but it is indeed, the Asian mother steppin' up coming into play to have a say in the guy that I've been dating for the past half year.

I'm lost in terms of what she wants me to do and this imaginary "white-horse prince" she wants me to own. I'm utterly speechless when she gave out the qualities of men that will "live up to my [her] expectations, or the whole "u deserve someone 'better' u know" [yes i know and i don't know]

spare me. please.

What I have found, is what IIIIII want. (MEE MEE MEE, not MOM MOM MOM) What must have gotten me is that Im not oh so perfect afterall in my mothers eyes. Im not trying to be rebelious and run off with my boyfriend and let my family disown me or anything. I just need time to help me find what I want. And in the mean time, I can't dwell on how she feels (at least for now).

when it comes down to you love him or not. it's simple - yes. or no. stop making it complicated. on the other hand I have to admit, complications make things more challenging and further testifies if lovers can pull through. well, bring it on.

Friday, August 6, 2010


a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, values, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.

I won't change what I do that shapes who I am, but I am willing to compromise if you do so too.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010



一直对谢霆锋没有很强烈的好感,这次他摆脱了以往刷帅的形象,演技真的让我很震撼。造型中他是一个像骆驼祥子的人物。同样是没有过多文化的一介车夫,同样都有自己简单的心愿。他每次拉车经过,都会按一下车铃,让在照相馆里老板的女儿阿纯知道他在看她,心里想着都是她。 他深爱的阿纯是个坡脚,这对不完美的情侣让一段浪漫隐隐作痛。胆小的阿四不敢跟阿纯说,老爷帮他提了亲终于圆了他的梦。谢霆锋在诠释这些幸福的表情和剧情发展都让我领域到所谓单纯没有任何杂念的爱情。





Thursday, July 29, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010


Over the weekend I thought instead of munching on the 500calorie/eggtart from KFC, I should make breakfast for my dad. It was. unsuccessful yet it wasn't total failure either. I have to defend for myself, that's because I didn't know where all the condiments are, the frying pan was so steep, and the spatula was too thin so it was hard to flip the omlette..so it didnt look or taste as perfect as I wanted it to be.
Evenso I think Daddy liked it (probably because there was spam in it that's all) . Although he kept critisizing what else could be added, deep down I know he appreciated it because he requested for a second one. =)
I shall continue to discover new recipes and improve on my culinary skills. People think it's unncessary to do all this, but cooking has gradually become a hobby of mine. and there's no other way I feel more happy than seeing the people I love eat the food I cook.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


i found a new role model to look up to today -
Venus Chan, WE Consumer Practice APAC Lead and smoking'hot mother of two kids.

That's my goal in 5-10 years...

never felt better

nothing is quite like the chill days here in beijing. comes home to already cut seedless watermelon and neatly folded laundry on the bed. skypes with the mother being warned to spend wisely while i was given a credit card. wakes up with no pimples when i check myself out in front of the mirror. gets sent off to work by my loving dad cuz he's sacrifacing his precious sleeping time to be my driver. grabs a 肉包子 with sweet soymilk to start off the day at work. gets owned at work cuz im still a noobie. feels frustrated but recovers from reading a email filled with xoxo. fixes my mistakes and completes given task despite going OT. walks 3 blocks to yashow - this is where all the observation happens. in previous summers i've gone through bus rides, subway rides, but never walk around the city absorbing a sense of BJ lifestyle on the streets. it's as hot as hell here but you can feel the level of comfort in how the chinese adapt to this loving city, including thinking they will never get hit by cars even when it's green light for cars. finally makes to my shopping destination alive and enjoys the fact that i haven't lost my bargaining skills, although they have deproved quite a lot. all the stress from bargaining then leads me to go sit down and do nothing - nail salon. yes. and let the painting begun =) medi and pedi ultimate cure. and then? well, barstreet is 1min away from me so time to ring up the girls for some drinks, catch-ups, and 串儿.
never felt better.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

me on WE

AH LOOK! im on the WE webpage! haha way to feel special about myself here, i was so surprised to see this came up as my home page. WE takes pride in their interns and I take pride in being one too =]

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

凤凰卫视中华小姐2010 [蒋妮]

please vote for my friend! she rocks =)

hello from BJ

so it definately has been a while since i blogged.
ever since my mom and brother visited seattle, i've been busy touring them around. after they've left, i've been busy moving in the new apt. and then unpacking unpacking...shopping for new furniture...etc etc.
and then now here i am, at Waggener Edstrom office BJ, ready for a lovely wednesday! words can't describe how thrilled I am to be able to work in WE and learn more about the PR industry in China.
and most importantly, it feels good to be back home. summer 2010.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010



happy bday 616 babies

my bestie roomie


and scarletttt. but i don't have a picture of her and her cake =(

Wednesday, June 9, 2010






Monday, June 7, 2010

like O M G

15 songs of summer 2010 thats been over played on the radio.
brilliant mix by DJearworm


im not a huge fan of fanbingbing, but this dress really is quite eye-catching. really like the bottom part.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


This is written by one of my friends. It made me tear. Hope all the men out there can understand a lil more about whats going on in our brains.
男人.其實你不懂,女人不吵了、不鬧了、不叫了,就是真的 不愛了


女人明知道你們之間沒有未來,卻情願留在你身邊做個普通朋 友,不是她太賤,只是她舍不得 .

女人故意在你面前提到別的男人,不是她花心,只是想要刺激一 下你,讓你多在乎她一點 .

女人不主動打電話、發信息給你,不是不想你,是她不夠自信, 你接到電話、 短信時,是否也同樣的想念她 .

如果女人不愛你,是不會對你發脾氣的,不要報怨自己的女朋友 脾氣太怪,女人只對她愛的人發脾氣.

女人不是不知道你還有別的女人,她選擇獨自傷心卻不揭穿你, 是害怕揭穿後給了你一個離開她的借口.

女人總是在你面前假裝很開心,不是她沒心沒肺,成天傻樂,只 是為了在你面前留下最美的樣子.

男人 其實你不懂

1 她總是問:你在哪呢?你現在在幹嗎? (她很想念你,只是想跟你說說話,你不給她發信息,她很
矛盾,怕你在忙,但又忍不住想你.換了別人,愛幹嘛幹嘛,她 不關心.所以請你一有時間就問候她一
下,讓她放心,讓她知道你心裡有她,她不會煩你.她總是主動 聯系你,她會覺得她賤.)

2 她說:我不開心了,我好煩. (不要怪她無理取鬧,更不能覺得她在煩你,她不是真的不開心,她只是想你了.只是想要你會來安慰她一下,哪怕是:乖,別鬧了,聽話!)

3 她說:不要感冒了./路上小心./自己多注意…… (不要嫌她煩.因為她知道你不傻,甚至是很聰明的.她只想讓你知道她心裡有你,她很想關心你)

4 她總說自己又長胖了或者長得不夠漂亮. (不要覺得她是在自卑或嫉妒別人,她只是怕自己在你眼中不夠完美.她已經在為你改變了.)

5 她總說她想要幫你,要你有什麼事一定要告訴她. (其實她知道她幫不了你什麼,她只想讓你知道你還有她,她永遠在會你身邊陪你,會一直的支持你,)

6 她看到你跟別的女生親近一些就會生氣,發小脾氣. (別說她小氣,不信任你,她其實是在吃醋,這表示她十分在乎你.即使心裡難受也會自己安慰自己.)

7 無論做什麼她總會征求你的意見. (不是她沒主見,太過依賴你,她只是尊重你,凡事以你為先.)

8 不管在哪裡她總是緊緊的和你站在一起. (她只是在告訴你她信任你.)

9 她愛憂傷,總是會多想. (不要覺得她是想太多,只是有時她會覺得缺乏安全感.)

10 她假裝生氣轉身離開. (其實,她不是真的想走,只是離開的時候希望被挽留.)

11 她會突然冷淡你,或是向你撒嬌. (別怪她孩子氣,她只是想讓你哄哄她.)

12 也許有一天她會跟你說分手. (其實,這個時候她已經喜歡你好久,只是不確定這份感情是不是對的.她只是要你的安全感,你的舍不得,你的不要走……)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Whirley Ball

I haven't been in a bumper car since elementary school. Don't even mention shooting the ball in the hoop while in a bumper car.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


one random day Will came up to me and asked:
"you free on wed night?"
"I think so...why?"
"I got tickets to a musical, so don't plan anything on wed night"

I was quite shocked. as a matter of fact, I was really happy. Cuz we're going on a date! haha feels like we don't "date" anymore because grocery shopping no longer counts as dates.

The Musical "Candide" was a blast. It was about a man going through the war, lost of love, humiliation, death, just to find the woman of his life. And in the process, he is constantly reminded to be optimistic. because optimism is the way to lead life.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HKSA Retreat Dinner

it's been such a pleasure to work with you all. I wanna esp thank BP for a great great year of fruitful events. You all have made HKSA so enjoyable. =)

thanks to every one's hard work this year!
haha vegas' face =P

the boys

and the girls

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


the artists who succeed are those who sing out their own story and personality and touch people in ways that make them believe its real.

been listening to jay chou's new album lately. after all these years he still doesn't disappoint me. although the new cover looks like a movie for twilight/new moon/eclipse...

what is up with this whole vampire thing!?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Vanness Wu & Evonne Hsu

hes shorter than i expected, but nevertheless, still very cute.

havent listen to her songs since middle school. very talented and nice nice nice singer.

we were this close =)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

tofu man

i remember i used to roll out these tofu man from HK rollie machines. i wanna collect them. they so cute

Sunday, May 16, 2010


after a month of intense practice, harlequin ROCKED at TSA night market. i probably shouldnt have drank tt much before heading on the stage...but...whats done is done. no regrets.

chilly willy - i am so proud of you
scottie b (aka tropical thunderstorm) - i forgive you for blasting your stereos to rock music in the middle of the night. dont do it too often tho.
jimi gunz - thank u for teaching me to respect music on a whole new level.

and most of all, thank you to my ladies. without you all i wouldn't have been rocking like nuts. (or w/out the alcohol) but really, 我爱你们。

happy bday hannah kuo

happy bday my most beloved bala
you've influenced me in ways you could haven ever imagine. tts y u'll get to play with my children and shape them into awesome individuals too.
wo ai ni alot. & i miss our summer adventure in BJ n going into the internal organs of a body/stomach. woohoo

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Recently in Japan, there has been an rapid increase of women in the workforce, not exactly at the same level as men, but slowly getting there. Beyond work, there are those who still got a home to take care of. So women are said to have 三重苦
夫の世話 - family duties + listening to husband
2.育児 raising children
3.仕事 work

women who are 兼業主婦 that succeed and can still function as a human being are titled as 超人 (superwoman).

i wanna be a
超人 in the near future.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

fat and happy weekend

what an eventful and fat weekend it has been.
lots of calorie-burning walking and frisbee-ing juicy gossiping, summer dresses-shopping, and fatty food-ing.

Girls night - its so so difficult to gather all the ladies on one night. but finally this dinner date came along. It just makes me wonder in a couple of years how will we ever able to gather a girls night like this again. Must require man-power.

CPK - Greek/Buffalo/Hawaiian BBQ pizza
Will and I watched Iron Man 2. Iron Man proved to us that he is mighty mighty strong and attractive while Scarlett Johanson once again, proved her beauty without speaking much words. We didn't watch it in IMAX cuz there was only one scene that fully utilized the 3D effect. Overall I liked it. MB i'll watch it again when sherlie comes.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

this is my mommy. she's amazing.
i want to be just like her when i grow up.
mommy wo ai ni.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

congrats sherlie


Monday, May 3, 2010

i wish everyday could be like today

so i normally don't post what everything i do in one day. cuz thats just boring, listing out i did this this n then this. but today was an exception =)

classes got canceled today - start cooking soup - ima - cook taiwanese style noodle - william come home - eat dinner and said he feels like hes having sex while he eats the yummilicious dinner - watch "taken" (good good movie) - fought a long hard "battle" - watch "river monsters" - each ate half a papaya while watching nba playoffs - spurs vs. phoenix crazy gd game - vanilla ice cream - now blogging.

the 肉棕面 that made William go nuts

the 大骨头萝卜汤 that was cooked for 6 hrs

Friday, April 30, 2010

happy bday dennis


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

happy bday brybry

happy bday niu. i miss our happy days.
u were, are, and will always be a lil sweet kid to me.
now. don't crash ur motorbike or get into too much trouble now.
miss you.

thxgiving '09, vancouver

Thursday, April 22, 2010


today i was informed by a phone call from the HR from Beijing that this is where i will be interning at this summer.
im so excitedddd so so so happpy

Kevin Durant <-- this should be SONICS dammnit


today against the LAKERS, kobe was BLOCKED BY KEVIN DURANT (thats ma boi) and won 101-96 with KD scoring 29 points, 19 rebounds and 4 assists WOOHOOOOO!

GOOD DAY TODAY! along with shopping w/ scarlett n sexy lingerie ;)